Sophisticated Giving Spotlight: The Little Bit Foundation

Sophisticated Details: The Little Bit Foundation is committed to equity in eduction by ensuring that every student has what they need to succeed. Its mission is to help remove barriers to learning ad provide exposure and access to educational opportunities, so that students can effectively engage in instruction, realize their full potential and pursue their dreams. In the process, the foundation also aims to leave an imprint of love and hope on young lives for whom a little bit means a lot.

Sophisticated Goals: In 2021, the organization celebrated 20 years! From the beginning, Little Bit has stood on a promise to be a source of strength and support for students, families and school communities in the St. Louis region - a promise that has never been tested more than during the pandemic. Over the past two years, Little Bit has continued to respond to the critical needs of students and families, ensuring food security and essential items; has supported students that have fallen behind in their math and reading skills through tutoring and digital remediation tools; and has adapted our programming to reach students where they are, whether learning virtually or in the classroom.

Sophisticated Connections: Little Bit’s vision is to one day see an end to the cycle of poverty and marginalization for many residents of St. Louis. It starts with education and creating school environments where barriers outside of the classroom aren’t hindering success in the classroom/ Little Bit has worked to help level the playing field for under-resourced students in our area, while building bridges and partnerships between people from all walks of life and roles in the community. In supporting the education and career ambitions of our youth, we are also helping to bridge the divide between employers and a ready, skilled, and inclusive workforce.

Sophisticated Giving: Little Bit has many ways for individuals and groups to become involved, share their talents and ideas, and to be the difference to a child. These include making monetary contributions, volunteering as a school representative or in our warehouse, mentoring a high school student, or serving on a board or committee. They rely on individuals, companies, and organizations to hold product drives, donate in-kind goods and services, sponsor schools and special events, and to serve as brand ambassadors in the community.

Find out more about The Little Bit Foundation by clicking here.

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