National Nonprofit Day 2021

Happy National Nonprofit Day! 

Here at SL, we have a lot to celebrate. Our highly anticipated Sophisticated Giving issue is  coming out soon, so now is the perfect time to highlight a luminary making a difference here in St. Louis.

Karen Kalish’s mission for her organization HOME WORKS! was clear: ​​partner with underserved schools to build their capacity to engage families and communities for students’ success. Starting off small, Kalish’s feature in our Sophisticated Giving issue expanded the interest and support of the organization within the St. Louis community. With this support, Kalish was able to grow the reach and depth of her nonprofit’s work. Click the link below to learn more about why Karen Kalish is so excited about Sophisticated Giving. 

Watching Kalish’s testimony, it is easy for us to get excited about HOME WORKS!, our upcoming Giving issue, and National Nonprofit Day in general. After a year plagued with so many forms of division, SL is ready to come back together. Finding a nonprofit to be passionate about, like in the case of Karen Kalish, can be life changing - not only for those the organization serves but for yourself, as well. So don’t be a Scrooge! Subscribe to get your copy of Sophisticated Giving and keep up with all the #SophisticatedScoop on nonprofits with our newsletter: