For Those Who Hoard Books...

Bibliotaph (n): one that hides away or hoards books

Sound like you? Good! SL has a full list of our favorite books that have been “Nurtured by Nature” in our current issue … here are a few stand outs: 

The Tree Forager: 40 Extraordinary Trees & What to Do With Them by Adele Nozedar 

Aimed at tree lovers of all ages, this beautifully illustrated handbook is the first guide to foraging specifically from trees, looking at all the incredible things we can get and make from them, from food and remedies to toys, whistles and ink.

At Forest’s Edge by Joel Spring 

Spring turns his thoughts and insights to the future and the future of the sport of hunting. In essays spanning a season afield, At Forest’s Edge speaks to the upcoming generation of hunters as well as those of us who have a few more miles on our boots.

In the Company of Trees by Andrea Sarubbi Fereshteh 

Fascinating facts, trivia, and stories celebrating nature and the magnificent life of trees and their invaluable place in our lives, including beautiful, full-color photographs throughout.

Click here to browse the full list of our picks! Get the #scoop on all of our favorites for everything … from books to jewelry and so much more with a subscription to SL: