Sophisticated Littles

Photography By Stephanie Cotta 


Meet Brooklyn and Berkley, the one-year-old twin daughters of Jon and Nikki Jay. We know what you’re thinking and before you declare them little Cubbies, the girls hold deep roots in St. Louis where they still own a home and enjoy long visits with grandparents and other family. And with Dad being a free agent, maybe the Cardinals will bring the Jays back full-time! 


Comfort is key for Brooklyn and Berkley. Their stylist, AKA Mom, says, “They are nonstop busy so we do a lot of leggings and tops. I like shopping for them at ZARA, Target, Peek and Lenny Lemons [online].” For this photo shoot, the dresses are from babyGap and headbands are from Ellia May Designs. 


The Jay family enjoys walking through Des Peres Park and new parks wherever they are. Mom says, “The girls love animals and love walking to a park by our house with their dad to wave to the ducks. They also love waving to every bird they see and they love dogs even though we don't have one. They will try to give every dog they see a kiss.” The girls also are enamored with  FaceTime when Dad is away. 


Both girls agree on “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” for book club recommendations. Berkley is also partial to a “look book” her aunts made her to help remember who is important when the family is on the move! Brooklyn browses through “The Pout Pout Fish” in her spare time.  


The twins are not identical but they have similar likes. Mom says, “They do not have a baseball set yet but we have soccer nets and soccer balls that we love to play with. I played soccer in college so I’m hoping the girls love soccer. Both girls love to run like crazy and play with any ball they can get their hands on. I think they are going to like sports!”  



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