Sophisticated Living St. Louis

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Sophisticated Giving Spotlight: St. Louis Jewish Light

This week’s Sophisticated Giving Spotlight is St. Louis Jewish Light!

The year 2022 marks the 75th anniversary of the St. Louis Jewish Light, which is dedicated to telling stories about the people and places in the St. Louis Jewish community. STL Jewish Light existed as a printed paper until recently when it added several digital newsletters to the mix, including a curated daily (except Saturday) communication delivered to its readers mailboxes called “Your Morning Light”.

All of STL Jewish Light’s products are free to ensure everyone can receive them as they work to inform, inspire, educate and connect the St. Louis Jewish community. The newspaper is mailed our twice a month, and other weekly or frequent e-mail newsletter include one about Celebrations (or Simchas), one for young families, one about Israel, and one with the most recent Obituaries.

Anyone can subscribe to any of these products for free at

STL Jewish Light takes its role as community communicator seriously and believe it is vital to the health and vibrancy of the St. Louis Jewish community. News and feature articles you regularly find in the Light are not ones you can find anywhere else. It is imperative for the St. Louis Jewish Light to remain robust so that it can continue to tell stories about its unique community to the next generation.

Get involved! Many people are unaware that the Light is a wholly independent nonprofit, and that while it is appreciative of some generous funding from the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, the organization still needs to raise over $500,000 annually. Any and all donations are welcome, particularly monthly donations that keep the budget going strong all year round.

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